

据说孕产妇的爱很棒。是的,在成为母亲之后,一切都会经历震撼人心的变化,母乳喂养的妇女应受到尊重。 They not only have to suffer from the pain of breastfeeding, but also experience a series of problems such as insomnia, postpartum hair loss, and dull skin.

母亲在哺乳期间的饮食更为重要。它不仅会影响牛奶的质量,而且还决定婴儿是否可以获得足够的营养。 So what are the foods that mothers refuse to eat?我们一起来看看吧!

咖啡是当今年轻人中最喜欢的饮料之一,其香气和独特的味道。咖啡可以令人耳目一新,但是作为母乳喂养的女人,这是禁忌。咖啡不仅会影响牛奶的质量,而且还会导致婴儿过敏,并长期保持婴儿的兴奋状态。 Secondly, after lactating women drink coffee, their milk volume will decrease, and they will eventually have to wean their babies because there is no milk.

红酒是女性美容和健康的最佳食物。适当的饮酒可以达到促进血液循环,调节月经和美化皮肤的影响。 During breastfeeding, mothers must not touch it. Red wine itself contains alcohol. If the mother is not conscious enough and drinks it by mistake, it will affect the entire brain development of the baby after the baby is allowed to suck milk. In severe cases, it will affect future intellectual development.因此,红酒对女性非常安全,但对哺乳女性(一个特殊的人群)非常有害!

Crabs are delicious, and autumn is a good time to eat crabs.许多人知道不能同时食用螃蟹和柿子,因为它们可能引起过敏反应。他们几乎不知道具有凉爽性质的螃蟹也不适合哺乳女性。它天生就很酷,这对健康不久后不久后尚未康复的妇女来说是不利的。对于母乳喂养的婴儿来说,螃蟹是海鲜,婴儿的抵抗和免疫力非常弱。如果母亲吃螃蟹,而婴儿很烂含有螃蟹的牛奶,则很可能会引起过敏反应,因此绝对不要贪婪。


